Why Laurence

Global Outlook

A school which is entirely global in its outlook, philosophy and character and the student is conditioned to excel anywhere in the world.

Aesthetic Outlook

The infrastructure, facilities and verdant atmosphere have been carefully planned and installed with the objective of bringing out the best in the student.

Multiple Pathways

We offer a widespread spectrum of learning programmes to bring the world class education that you want for a cutting edge.

Learning Environment

Conducive atmosphere at The Laurence School prepares children for intellectual curiosity, personal accountability and love for learning.

Nurture Skills

The scope for acquiring additional skills in various fields of both curricular and extra-curricular activity is unparalleled in this part of the country.

Scholastic Success

With the high standards established and maintained, the student automatically acquires his or her entire complement of knowledge and scores top marks in the public exams.

Nourishing Education

Way beyond academics, the institution believes in imparting holistic development to ensure the creation of a fully accomplished young human being.

Personal Care

The care and personal attention that a teacher in The Laurence School bestows upon the student is indeed second only to a parent.

Value Add on

Value, Character, spiritual growth and time-tested values of love, obedience, hard work, service and broad-mindedness are ingrained even in the early years at the school.